Grameen Swapna

empowering underprivileged community

Solar Lamp for school student

An Appeal for Solar Lamp for school student

1.3 billion People depend on kerosene for light. 65% of Bangladesh’s population does not have access to modern power supply and, thus, their entire livelihood at night is still dependent upon old fashion Kupees or lanterns, using environmentally unfriendly energy sources such as kerosene. A major cause of burns and respiratory illnesses, kerosene is responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million people each year. With kerosene smoke inhalation equivalent to 4 packs of cigarettes per day, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and cancer are common in rural households. Worse, without light, clinics are unable to treat these severe illnesses except during sunlight hours. Although solar photovoltaic-based rural household power generation is getting significant attention in Bangladesh, most of the rural population cannot even afford the low-end integrated solar home system.

Solar Light provides education for School Students with access to clean, safe light get more out of their education.  Solar lighting in Bangladesh nearly doubled Student’s study time and greatly improved school performance, by allowing children to continue school work after sundown.  Kids in unelectrified communities could finally compete with their more urban peers, and give their community a chance for a prosperous future.

We requests your generous donations for Solar Lamp for school student project in empowering the livelihoods of the underprivileged children through empowering with modern but cost-effective solar lamp. Let There Be Light! I hope you will open your heart and wallet for this noble cause. We will need thousands of dollars in implementing this project.

To support Grameen Swapna’s work on Solar Lamp for school student please donate now.


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